Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 11 - Málaga

I only had one full day in Málaga so I had to get up early if I was going to fit everything in. I typically like to walk to my furthest point of interest and then make my way back through the city covering all the spots I want to see. 

Here is a picture from the beach in Málaga at sunset. I thought I was going to be able to get a nice picture of the sunset, but then I remembered that Málaga lies on the south eastern coast so the sun was setting behind me over the mountains.

In the morning I headed about two miles from my hotel to hike up to the top of a mountain which has a walled castle called the Gibralfaro. I was able to walk along the top of the wall all the way around the castle and got some great views of the city from every direction. 

I was seriously considering going to a bullfight in Spain, but I have decided not to in recognition that it a barbaric "sport" and I would be uncomfortable supporting it. As it turns out most Spaniards are against it as well but because of the tourism industry and the money it brings the practice continues. I urge anyone who visits Spain  to protest bullfighting so that it can finally be ended here. 

The Alcazaba is a well preserved Moorish castle on the hill just below the Giralfaro. It contains inside it's wall a wonderful Nasid Palace. 

More examples of the Moorish architecture inside the palace. 

The gardens have running water fountains everywhere. 

The remains of an old Roman era theater. 

This was the best meal I've had on this trip so far. I had a bowl of cold and spicy gazpacho and a plate with salad and tortilla de papas (Spanish omelette). 

Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga. He was his birthplace. There is a small museum inside that I toured. 

Malaga Cathedral. Notice the top of the right tower is unfinished. It is claimed that they run out of money and never finished it. It has gained the nickname "The One-Armed Lady". 

I found the interior to be unremarkable. 

One of the main drags in the fashion district with many shops and people walking through the city center. This is a great place to take a stroll after dinner. 

 My dinner for the evening consisted of a few tapas (fried chorizo and bruschetta) and a little too much beer. That's why I was late getting out my latest blog. 


  1. Cool Castle Nick, I'm trying to picture the view during it's original time period. I had know idea the history of Spain, thanks Lori and I can't wait to go.
    Stay safe

  2. I didn't know a whole lot about the history of Spain either until I started planning for this trip. When you and Lori do go I'll have to download you on a bunch of stuff first.
